成长之路,或充满荆棘,或错乱迷茫,别慌,我们为你配备了行业大咖导师,让你可以在 做中学,在学中成长,在成长中发光。我们的导师不仅包括资深985、211院校毕业的导师, 更有博士导师助力你的成长。
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Cowain University
Cowain University
自2019年10月11日成立至今科瑞恩大学已先后与常熟理工学院法国巴黎高等商业专科学院合作 开设了高升专班专升本班智能制造MBA定制班。
Cowain University
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Cowain University Cowain University
Cowain University
New employees
Whether you are a rookie or a veteran, from the day you step into Cowain, we will provide you professional new employee training program. Comprehensive orientation training and personalized department training will help you get familiar with the company and the business, and then quickly integrate into the company and become a real Cowainer.
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talent upgrading plan
科瑞恩的人才升级计划目前已经初具规模,其中涵盖了高升专、专升本和MBA(工商管理硕士)培养计划,全方位地为员工的 职业发展与个人提升提供便捷的渠道。
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